Saturday, September 25, 2010

Types of Lagna in Astrology - Part 2

7.) Tula Lagna
The natives of this lagna grow tall with age and have a well proportioned body. Their limbs are slender but strong. Their appearance is graceful and attractive. They get bald in adult age. Their nose is like that of a parrot. The natives of this lagna are level headed. They weigh the merits and demerits of a subject and then express their decision. They are constructive critics. They are reasonable and just. They are also modest, refined and gentle. They love happy and harmonious life. They want peace at all costs. They seldom lose their temper. They like changes in their life and environment. They are popular and have a spirit of sacrifice in them. They have fertile imagination, correct intuition, brilliant intellect and pleasant nature. They are fond of good things and comforts. Their domestic and married life is generally happy. They love their home, family and property.

8.) Vrischika lagna
The body of the native of this lagna is well proportioned. Hands are generally long. The stature is above average. Face is broad with commanding appearance. Such natives have generally a good personality. The native of this lagna is a particulary determined individual. He will crush the obstacles before him and move forward. He has a fertile imagination and sharp intelligence. He is emotional but possesses remarkable intuitive power. He has self assertion, courage, resolution, independence and forcefulness. He is highly sexy and has relations with many women. A good Vrischika native evinces great interest in occult sciences and spritual experiments. The natives of this lagna have a harsh tongue. They are revengeful and vindicative. They love to criticise others and establish their superiority. The domestic life of a person with this lagna can be happy only if every member of the family is submissive to him.

9.) Dhanu Lagna
The natives of this lagna have a well-proportioned and well-developed body. they are generally tall with a large forehead, high and bushy eyebrows, long nose, bright eyes, graceful look, fair complexion and handsome figure. The natives are hold, courageous and pushful. They face adverse situations with fortitude. They have self-confidence. They have energy, enthusiasm, vigour and vitality. In spite of all these qualities they are unable to take quick decision. They are God-fearing and love only truth. They stick to their principles. They go for higher education and are fond of travelling. They are intuitive and their intuition generally proves correct.

10.) Makara Lagna
The natives of this lagna are generally emanciated and weak and grow slowly. Their body will not be plumpy or muscular but slender. A native of this lagna grows tall suddenly on becoming young and his constitution improves with age. His nose is long and eyes deep-set. The hair is coarse. They are economical, prudent, reasonable, thoughtful and practical minded. He is methodical, slow, steady and patient. He is calculative and business- like. A Makara native is capable of taking quick decisions. He will have push and confidence. He has special organizing capacity and lot of tolerance. He will be honest, sincere and reliable unless the lagna has evil influence on it. In the latter case he will become dishonest, selfish and even criminal. The natives of this lagna have to face lot of obstacles, difficulties and hindrances, but they are capable of overcomimg them. They are hard workers and are able to consolidate their position sooner or later. They generally marry late, but prove good husbands and father of many children.

11.) Kumbha lagna
Persons born with this lagna are generally tall with full stature. They are strong. Their complexion is fair and appearance handsome. They are intelligent. They are good character readers. They act carefully after considering the pros and cons of everything. They are slow in understanding things, but once they get at them, they can handle them with ease and confidence. They have a broad outlook and human understanding. They are unselfish, human and impersonal. They move in select society. They are reserved in nature and great moralists. They have wonderful intuitional capacity. The married life of an Kumbha native is happy only if his partner is as intelligent as he is. These persons are steadfast in their affection but they do not display it.

12.) Meena lagna

The natives of this lagna are generally short in stature but they are plumpy with short hands and feet. The natives of this lagna are by nature philosophical, restless, full of imagination and fond of romantic life. They are honest, humane and helpful. On account of their being over-liberal and over-generous, they often hamper their own progress. They are very happy when they can spend their money to help others and on charitable causes. These persons are not steady. They may change from one profession to another. The married life of a Meena native is generally happy but they have a jealous

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