Saturday, October 23, 2010

Nakshatra | Moola & Purva Ashadha

Moola :
Moola signifies the nineteenth Nakshatra of the zodiac and ranges from 00°-00' to 13°-20' in the Dhanus rashi. Nirriti or the Goddess of Devastation, rules Moola. The term  Moola means root, which again signifies groundwork for anything creative. 

Those born under this constellation are handsome looking and strongly built. Physically fit, they are fast walkers. They are soft at heart and help others in need, but are also slightly fickle minded, especially where their careers are concerned. They are usually wealthy and knowledgeable people, who are also happily settled in life and peaceful. 

However, they are extremely determined people and will not even give others, an inch of anything that rightfully belongs to them. Their basic nature makes them fiercely competitive and goal oriented. They usually own vehicles and material possessions. They are inquisitive and love to delve into the heart of any matter that generates their curiosity. 

Such people possess an attractive personality and radiate charm, which again makes them popular with womenfolk. These people love to talk and to travel to distant places. In both aspects, they seek out companionship.

Conversely, however, people born under the Moola nakshatra can also be harmful and destructive in nature. They often end up hurting members of their family and do not enjoy good relations with their parents. Being reckless spendthrifts, Moola born people often get into heavy financial debt. Since they love to possess and hold onto their material possessions, people born under this sign at times become extremely resentful towards someone who they feel is trying to usurp them from their rightful position. This again leads to family disputes. 

Best suited career roles for such people include marketing, finance including stock broking options, engineering, sales, and so on.

Financially successful, they enjoy a contented marital life, and are helpful to one and all.

Health wise, such people can suffer from rheumatic pain in their joints, backaches, muscle pulls, and nerve related ailments and obesity.

Purva Ashadha :
The Purva Ashadha Nakshatra ranges from 13°-20' to 26°-40' in Dhanus rashi, and is ruled by the Lord of Wisdom. Purva Ashadha is essentially a water sign and its emblem is the Hand Fan. In their physical appearance, they are tall and have athletic figures, and also have a sophisticated look about them. 

The most striking feature which can be observed regarding people born under this sign is that they are extremely proud and arrogant people, who again have the ability to lead the masses and show empathy towards them. The fact that they are good orators and excellent communicators also helps a lot in this direction. They are very strong willed, and do not yield to fear in the face of danger. This frequently leads them to set an example for others who become their followers.

At the same time, they are caring and gentle people and their empathetic nature wins them a lot of friends. This nakshatra is traditionally believed to bring in fame, wealth, personal possessions, fertility and wisdom. Endowed with noble qualities and an attractive face, they tend to have ardent admirers in the opposite sex. An interesting feature about people born in Purva Ashadha is that they are excellent debaters and it is indeed very difficult to beat them in a verbal duel. 

Given their good qualities, there is also a dark side among people born under the influence of this nakshatra. These people tend to lie and like to conceal their lives and views from others. They are drunkards and often fickle minded. Moreover, their arrogance often leads them to perform actions impulsively, without even bothering to consult well-wishers around them. To make matters worse, they themselves lack the logical reasoning to make the correct decision. Such people are also argumentative and needlessly get into quarrels with others, just to prove their own superiority. They lack the necessary ambition in life and are advised to concentrate more on their career and educational aspects. 

Well-suited career roles that these people would be advised to take up include that of a writer, teacher, politician, lawyer, movie star, etc. 

Their married life is satisfactory and they enjoy perfect compatibility with their partners. 

Health wise, they often suffer from kidney and bladder ailments, sexually transmitted diseases, and cold and lung problems.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Nakshatra | Krittika & Uttara Bhadrapada

Krittika :
Krittika is the 3rd nakshatra of the zodiac, extending from Mesa 26°-40' up to Vrishabha 10°-00'. Agni, the God of Fire, rules this nakshatra. Being the birth star of Chandra, Krittika is the nakshatra that gives birth to power. People born under this sign have a commanding and often, larger-than-life presence. They are powerfully built and have a magnetic and dynamic personality, which again makes them quite attractive to others.

Krittikas also have a certain feline grace, doing everything in a suave and smooth way.This makes them highly popular with members of the opposite sex.They are good at execution of projects, since they are determined and resolute by nature, and once they have made up their mind,nothing can essentially stop them.
This single mindedness makes them constantly work and strive towards achieving a definite purpose.However, at times, Krittikas tend to become over achievers, which makes them insensitive towards others. Krittikas are generally highly admired and trusted at their work places since they have the ability to take up big projects and are meticulous enough to ensure their completion.

Fiery in nature and full of creativity, their vast knowledge and ambition make them natural innovators and born leaders. If they encounter any problem in the execution of a project, Krittikas have the ability to size up the situation quickly, and get to the root of the matter. This,along with their ability to tackle problems head on, make them the go-getters in the office, and sometimes even the Boss! Intelligent and bright in appearance, Krittikas are also big eaters and their favorite is hot and spicy food!

On the other hand, Krittikas have a tendency to pressurize others, and establish their leadership through their aggressive behavior, something that often intimidates other people. Krittikas, however feel they have been misunderstood. Normally calm and peaceful, they can be very dangerous if they are provoked, and the situation can be likened to a scorpion stinging you if you step on its tail! At office, they can display extremely harsh behavior and tend to be very critical of others. Krittikas are usually feared, but seldom liked. Their aggressive and stubborn nature makes them an object of discontent.

Krittikas can go on to make very good engineers, lawyers, doctors, and members of the Army.

Will be lucky in marriage even if you have a delayed marriage.

May suffer from some dental problems, weak eyesight and tuberculosis.

Uttara Bhadrapada :
Uttara Bhadrapada is traditionally named as the 'Warrior Star', and this nakshatra ranges from 3°-20' to 16°-40' in Meena rashi. A person born in this Nakshatra is wealthy and famous and is gifted with prosperity by his/her ruling star. Apart from these endowments, people born under this star are also honorable and righteous and try to follow honest ways of earning a living. They are good looking with a winning smile.
People born under Uttara Bhadrapada are happy in their own self and determined to make it big in life. This makes them respected in all circles and liked by all. Their behavior towards others is extremely courteous and deserves special mention. They love to entertain guests and treat all men as their equal, irrespective of social status. 
The females born under this sign are charming in their behavior, and can manage their own households very well. With respect to the men, their intelligence and sociable nature makes them a source of inspiration for others. Since they are usually wealthy and financially self reliant, many of them donate money to charitable causes and have a religious character. Their marital life is content and happy, and children give them the much-needed joy in life.
Some of the people born under the Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra, may suffer from a certain lack of funds at some times and this may make them aimless and depressed. This is also partly influenced by the fact that these people have periods of idleness, and are prone to take long breaks from their professional life. Moreover, they are also fickle minded and tend to dabble in too many things at the same time. This again leads to a fast change of professions, which often prompts other people to call some of them as 'a rolling stone that gathers no moss'.

Career wise they can be very good lawyers, counselors and professional consultants.

Family life is satisfactory with good understanding between the couple. The female is the Goddess of Wealth in the true sense.

Rheumatism and body aches are common afflictions for such people. 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Nakshatra | Revati & Pushya

NakshatraSo today we are going to talk about various Nakshatra in Astrology. According to Hindu Astrology there are 27  Nakshatra. The orbit of the moon is 27.3 days, so the Moon takes approximately one day to pass through each Nakshatra.

By knowing the Nakshatra in which a person is born , a lot of predictations can be made about his personality and future.
We will see one by one about each of the Nakshatra and its influence on the life of person born in that Nakshatra.

1.) Revati Nakshatra
Revati is the penultimate nakshatra of the zodiac and ranges from 16°-40' minutes to 30°-00' in Meena Rashi. Its ruling planet is Mercury and Pushan, the nourishing form of the Sun God, governs Revati. Persons born under the Revati sign are believed to be the most religious and God fearing people among all the other nakshatras. They are blessed with an athletic, well-proportioned physique and are large in stature.
Independent and often fiercely ambitious, people born under the Revati nakshatra enjoy great prosperity of wealth. They attain success best when they move to distant places, away from their homeland. Sexy and brave, they are attractive to some women. These people have complete control over their senses and are socially amicable, qualities that make them popular, since they are extremely easy to get along with. They have a strong sense of justice, and often acquire wealth purely by their own efforts. In fact, Revati born persons often advance in life by leaps and bounds. Both ancient cultures and modern scientific research interest them a lot.
Persons influenced by Revati are short tempered and stubborn in the sense that it is often very difficult to make them see life from someone else's viewpoint. Moreover, they tend to overburden themselves with other people's problems, which make them suffer on the health front. They are also stubborn and dominant in some cases, which invites resentment in others, including workplace colleagues. 
Such people are also advised to have an iron control over their finances, as otherwise they may run into huge financial debt situation. Revati born persons also suffer from stress, and their own fixed way of looking at a crisis certainly does not help them in this aspect. In fact, some of them are labeled as possessing a 'one-track mind', something not at all desirable. So they can try to be more open to ideas, for a start.
Well-suited career options include social work, counseling and sometimes also astrology.
Marital bliss is assured through compatibility between spouses.
Common afflictions troubling such people include gastric ulcer problems, abdominal and dental problems. 

2.) Pushya Nakshatra

Pushya is the eighth nakshatra in the zodiac, extending from 3°-20' to 16°-40' in Karaka. The word 'Pushya' is a derivative of 'Pushti', which means nourishment or sustenance. Brihaspati, the God of Divine intelligence, rules Pushya, which is widely regarded as the best nakshatra of all. They may have a scar or mole on their face with a well-proportioned body.
Those born under this sign enjoy wealth and prosperity to the fullest.They are also happy people and enjoy everything that they do, seldom harboring any ill feelings towards others. They are blessed with a strong,healthy body and possess a sound, stable mind. They are respected by others,and they themselves respect their parents a lot. Naturally important to those around them, people under the influence of Pushya command a lot of money and possess material things such as a vehicle. 
These people can easily adapt in any given situation since they are intrinsically self sufficient and self-reliant. They have deep-rooted political convictions too, and are interested in a good discussion, especially with regard to religious scriptures. They are naturally inclined to shine and spread happiness all around them, thus making them very good event planners at a  party. They are also very eager to help others in distress and often serve as champions for the needy! They are very lawful people and love to abide by rules.
However, Pushya people should be cautious of the fact that others may try to manipulate them for their own selfish ends. In short, they are most likely to be conned by others. They love to be engaged in social work and often place more emphasis on work than family. This may lead to some tensions within their own families.  Their tendency of helping others may seem like insensitive to their family members, since they are likely to put social work above everything else. 

Careerwise, they can be good social workers and efficient, highly respected doctors. 

Family peace can be maintained by good understanding between couples, else there may be friction. 
Some of them could suffer from gallstones, gastric ulcers or other skin diseases, as well as asthmatic tendencies. 

Friday, October 1, 2010

Effects of Retrograde Planets in Astrology - Part 2

Venus Retrogression

Venus retrogression is related to luxuries in life, as well as our relationships with near and dear ones. If the transit of Venus is in retrograde motion, we should be thoughtful about all the relationships we are living, and the way we relate to others. It is also the time we should reconsider our material gains in life. The extent or type of influence of Venus retrogression depends upon its position in our charts. But nevertheless, it is the time to be watchful, as it is a period for strong emotional ups and downs.

If Venus is retrograde in the natal chart, it can indicate emotional and material difficulties (in case its badly placed). If it`s well placed, it indicates extreme emotional attractions and repulsions. The result will always be a far cry from normal.

Mars Retrogression

Retrogression of Mars is a high time to control and channelise our energy and drive, and prevent it from getting out of hand. We have to be thoughtful about our actions and cautious about getting rash and scattered. It`s the right time to reconsider the Agenda on hand, and to be firmly rooted in ground reality. Its also the time to reenergize ourselves, rather than burning our energies in fruitless persuits.

If Mars is Retrograde in the horoscope itself, the person can be accident prone, or inclined to illness, in case of a wrongly placed Mars. If the Mars is well placed, the native has an unusual way of handling his affairs and actions. Whatever the case, effects are far from Normal. Again its dependent on an individual`s own free will to control the final outcome.

Jupiter Retrogression

My Jyotish Kendra
When this planet of growth and expansion is in retrogression, a lot many projects that were due for expansion and launch may get delayed, or stop altogether. This is the time when a person needs to think about his / her own inner resources, and use that knowledge to get the work done. Most probably, the person might come up with the conclusion that the stopped work was actually not necessary, and there are other better resources available. This is the ideal time for us to `expand` within ourselves.

When Jupiter is retrograde in the natal chart, either it makes the person too fickle or vain (if badly placed). Or it gives unusual heights of knowledge and wisdom to the native.

Saturn Retrogression

This retrogression period can cause unexpected delays and interruptions. Obstacles unthought can spring up taking your priority. The period usually lasts for 4 and half months, during which many feel frustrated and unable to handle hurdles. This is the right time to sit bac and reconsider all that one is doing. Its not a proper time to make new starts, but rather learn from the failures in the past and the ones in hand. In individual horoscope, the house that occupied by Saturn will see the effect of retrogression, i.e. that aspect of the life will get affected, along with the general malefic effect. Although Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are not considered in conventional Vedic astrology, a brief description of their effects is given due to increase in awareness about their influences.

Uranus Retrogression

When this planet of creativity and freedom is in retrograde motion, its time to channelise one`s creative and artistic thoughts in a practical plan. One might feel over anxious and restless during this period. Few breakthrough ideas may also come up suddenly. Its time to materialize them. But plan very carefully before doing so.

Neptune Retrogression

This is the period, when dreams, intuitions and psychic insights become so very prominent in our lives. It`s not the time to miss this unique chance, but rather we should enjoy and listen to all those vibrations coming to us. It`s also the time we should not forget to be grounded in reality.

Pluto Retrogression

Pluto retrogression touches our very inner core. It can also orient us to great pain through some loss. Its time we should look within ourselves and assert our good points. It can also be the turn when we can actually rise again from our losses like a phoenix, with renewed vigour for life.