Moola :
Moola signifies the nineteenth Nakshatra of the zodiac and ranges from 00°-00' to 13°-20' in the Dhanus rashi. Nirriti or the Goddess of Devastation, rules Moola. The term Moola means root, which again signifies groundwork for anything creative.
Those born under this constellation are handsome looking and strongly built. Physically fit, they are fast walkers. They are soft at heart and help others in need, but are also slightly fickle minded, especially where their careers are concerned. They are usually wealthy and knowledgeable people, who are also happily settled in life and peaceful.
However, they are extremely determined people and will not even give others, an inch of anything that rightfully belongs to them. Their basic nature makes them fiercely competitive and goal oriented. They usually own vehicles and material possessions. They are inquisitive and love to delve into the heart of any matter that generates their curiosity.
Such people possess an attractive personality and radiate charm, which again makes them popular with womenfolk. These people love to talk and to travel to distant places. In both aspects, they seek out companionship.
Conversely, however, people born under the Moola nakshatra can also be harmful and destructive in nature. They often end up hurting members of their family and do not enjoy good relations with their parents. Being reckless spendthrifts, Moola born people often get into heavy financial debt. Since they love to possess and hold onto their material possessions, people born under this sign at times become extremely resentful towards someone who they feel is trying to usurp them from their rightful position. This again leads to family disputes.
Best suited career roles for such people include marketing, finance including stock broking options, engineering, sales, and so on.
Financially successful, they enjoy a contented marital life, and are helpful to one and all.
Health wise, such people can suffer from rheumatic pain in their joints, backaches, muscle pulls, and nerve related ailments and obesity.
Purva Ashadha :
The Purva Ashadha Nakshatra ranges from 13°-20' to 26°-40' in Dhanus rashi, and is ruled by the Lord of Wisdom. Purva Ashadha is essentially a water sign and its emblem is the Hand Fan. In their physical appearance, they are tall and have athletic figures, and also have a sophisticated look about them.
The most striking feature which can be observed regarding people born under this sign is that they are extremely proud and arrogant people, who again have the ability to lead the masses and show empathy towards them. The fact that they are good orators and excellent communicators also helps a lot in this direction. They are very strong willed, and do not yield to fear in the face of danger. This frequently leads them to set an example for others who become their followers.
At the same time, they are caring and gentle people and their empathetic nature wins them a lot of friends. This nakshatra is traditionally believed to bring in fame, wealth, personal possessions, fertility and wisdom. Endowed with noble qualities and an attractive face, they tend to have ardent admirers in the opposite sex. An interesting feature about people born in Purva Ashadha is that they are excellent debaters and it is indeed very difficult to beat them in a verbal duel.
Given their good qualities, there is also a dark side among people born under the influence of this nakshatra. These people tend to lie and like to conceal their lives and views from others. They are drunkards and often fickle minded. Moreover, their arrogance often leads them to perform actions impulsively, without even bothering to consult well-wishers around them. To make matters worse, they themselves lack the logical reasoning to make the correct decision. Such people are also argumentative and needlessly get into quarrels with others, just to prove their own superiority. They lack the necessary ambition in life and are advised to concentrate more on their career and educational aspects.
Well-suited career roles that these people would be advised to take up include that of a writer, teacher, politician, lawyer, movie star, etc.
Their married life is satisfactory and they enjoy perfect compatibility with their partners.
Health wise, they often suffer from kidney and bladder ailments, sexually transmitted diseases, and cold and lung problems.