Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Effects of Retrograde Planets in Astrology - Part 1

Retrograde planets are the planets that appear to move backwards in the sky. All the planets have fixed direction for revolution. Therefore, Moving back and forth is simply out of question. It is only because of the relative motion of the earth that the planets seem to move backwards at certain times.

My Jyotish KendraOut of all planets, Sun and Moon at no time are retrograde. They are always in direct motion. On the other hands, the two imaginary planets or lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu are always in retrograde motion. Pluto, Neptune and Uranus (not considered in Vedic astrology) also go through the retrograde motion along with Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn.

In astrology, a planet in retrograde motion has special significance. The effects that the planets produces when in retrograde motion are far different than the ones they exert while moving directly. In the horoscopes, retrograde planets acquire special power and effects while in retrograde motion at the time of birth. Theses are known as `Vakri planets' in Hindu astrology. Usually the retrograde planets in our horoscope are depicted with R in front of its position in chart.

Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn turn retrograde at regular intervals. They generally move direct, then for a time period they (appear to) slow down and seem stationary for a long time (Stationary retrograde). At this time their powers are at their highest. Then they move retrograde, giving erratic and more prominent effects. After a particular time span, they again seem to slow down and seem to be stationary (stationary direct). Then they once again acquire a direct motion.

My Jyotish KendraWhenever a planet starts in a motion other than the normal course, it yields unusual effects as well. In general, the fields ruled by these planets suffer the major influence. For example, communication hazards will be more during Mercury retrograde. Accidents due to rashness will be enhanced during Mars retrograde and so on….

Hence, each planetary retrogression should be considered as a time to be cautious, and to consider things from a different viewpoint.

Mercury Retrogression

Mercury is the planet that rules communication and thinking. Mercury goes in retrograde motion about three times a year for three weeks of time period each. Whenever this phenomenon takes place, all Lines of communication seems to go haywire. Things are misunderstood and information is misapplied. Thinking (in general) leaves the Course of "normal". Although some brilliant projects may be sketched out during this period, chances are that more people suffer from anxiety and nervous breakdown at this time. While the planet is vakri, it is often advised to not to sign any contracts, to look before putting an idea in action, even if it means a verbal commitment. Don`t rely on every information passing through. Think, watch, analyse because the information presented in front of you might be a false one if not totally unnecessary. Its time to process all the learning acquired till now to take decisions.

If Mercury is retrograde in the horoscope itself, it can indicate mental sufferings and anxieties in the case it`s negatively placed. If mercury is well placed, it bestows a brilliant mind. Whatever the case, the result is not `Usual`. All the aspects have to be taken in consideration before deriving any conclusion. But most of all, cashing on the negative or positive influence of the planet is much dependent on a person`s Free will.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Types of Lagna in Astrology - Part 2

7.) Tula Lagna
The natives of this lagna grow tall with age and have a well proportioned body. Their limbs are slender but strong. Their appearance is graceful and attractive. They get bald in adult age. Their nose is like that of a parrot. The natives of this lagna are level headed. They weigh the merits and demerits of a subject and then express their decision. They are constructive critics. They are reasonable and just. They are also modest, refined and gentle. They love happy and harmonious life. They want peace at all costs. They seldom lose their temper. They like changes in their life and environment. They are popular and have a spirit of sacrifice in them. They have fertile imagination, correct intuition, brilliant intellect and pleasant nature. They are fond of good things and comforts. Their domestic and married life is generally happy. They love their home, family and property.

8.) Vrischika lagna
The body of the native of this lagna is well proportioned. Hands are generally long. The stature is above average. Face is broad with commanding appearance. Such natives have generally a good personality. The native of this lagna is a particulary determined individual. He will crush the obstacles before him and move forward. He has a fertile imagination and sharp intelligence. He is emotional but possesses remarkable intuitive power. He has self assertion, courage, resolution, independence and forcefulness. He is highly sexy and has relations with many women. A good Vrischika native evinces great interest in occult sciences and spritual experiments. The natives of this lagna have a harsh tongue. They are revengeful and vindicative. They love to criticise others and establish their superiority. The domestic life of a person with this lagna can be happy only if every member of the family is submissive to him.

9.) Dhanu Lagna
The natives of this lagna have a well-proportioned and well-developed body. they are generally tall with a large forehead, high and bushy eyebrows, long nose, bright eyes, graceful look, fair complexion and handsome figure. The natives are hold, courageous and pushful. They face adverse situations with fortitude. They have self-confidence. They have energy, enthusiasm, vigour and vitality. In spite of all these qualities they are unable to take quick decision. They are God-fearing and love only truth. They stick to their principles. They go for higher education and are fond of travelling. They are intuitive and their intuition generally proves correct.

10.) Makara Lagna
The natives of this lagna are generally emanciated and weak and grow slowly. Their body will not be plumpy or muscular but slender. A native of this lagna grows tall suddenly on becoming young and his constitution improves with age. His nose is long and eyes deep-set. The hair is coarse. They are economical, prudent, reasonable, thoughtful and practical minded. He is methodical, slow, steady and patient. He is calculative and business- like. A Makara native is capable of taking quick decisions. He will have push and confidence. He has special organizing capacity and lot of tolerance. He will be honest, sincere and reliable unless the lagna has evil influence on it. In the latter case he will become dishonest, selfish and even criminal. The natives of this lagna have to face lot of obstacles, difficulties and hindrances, but they are capable of overcomimg them. They are hard workers and are able to consolidate their position sooner or later. They generally marry late, but prove good husbands and father of many children.

11.) Kumbha lagna
Persons born with this lagna are generally tall with full stature. They are strong. Their complexion is fair and appearance handsome. They are intelligent. They are good character readers. They act carefully after considering the pros and cons of everything. They are slow in understanding things, but once they get at them, they can handle them with ease and confidence. They have a broad outlook and human understanding. They are unselfish, human and impersonal. They move in select society. They are reserved in nature and great moralists. They have wonderful intuitional capacity. The married life of an Kumbha native is happy only if his partner is as intelligent as he is. These persons are steadfast in their affection but they do not display it.

12.) Meena lagna

The natives of this lagna are generally short in stature but they are plumpy with short hands and feet. The natives of this lagna are by nature philosophical, restless, full of imagination and fond of romantic life. They are honest, humane and helpful. On account of their being over-liberal and over-generous, they often hamper their own progress. They are very happy when they can spend their money to help others and on charitable causes. These persons are not steady. They may change from one profession to another. The married life of a Meena native is generally happy but they have a jealous

Friday, September 24, 2010

Types of Lagna in Astrology - Part 1

Various Types of Lagna defined in Astrology are :-

1.) Mesha Lagna
The natives of this lagna are of middle stature. They possess a lean and muscular body. They are neither stout nor thick. Their complexion is rough and they have a fairly long neck and face. They have bushy eyebrows and have a sharp sight. They are active and ambitious, bold and impulsive. sometimes on account of a bad influence on Mars, the lord of this lagna, they become rash and aggressive. With good influences on the lagna they become confident, courageous, enterprising with high aims and also liberal. They have determination and force of character. They have executive ability but they make changes often. They are very optimistic. They are good lovers and have a charm which attracts the opposite sex. With bad influences on the lagna they become passionate and jealous and go astray.

2.)Vrishabha Lagna
The natives of this lagna will have medium stature and plumpy body. The forehead will be broad, neck thick and stout, eyes bright, hair dark, complexion clear. They will be solidly built with big shoulders and muscles well developed. The natives of this lagna have great endurance and patience but when provoked they become angry and vicious like a bull. They are slow and steady, plodding and persevering, patient and persistent. They are conservative. They do not waste their energy. They have a strong will. They are not impulsive. If there are bad influences on the lagna they become lazy and self-indulgent. They are fond of good food and are very much after money and other worldly possessions. They are ambitious, cheerful and fond of enjoyment. They are fortunate and are favourites of Goddess Lakshmi. They are sexy but they are steadfast in their love. They are fond of music, arts, cinema, drama, etc. They like to hoard money and are cautious in spending. Their married life is generally happy.

3.)Mithuna Lagna
They natives of this lagna are tall, upright and have a straight body, the hands being long. Their complexion is moderate, fair or dark. The eyes look sharp and active. The nose is long. Persons with this lagna live mostly in mind. They are carefree and joyous. Their mind is positive and strong. They are versatile, restless and like change very often. They are good readers and writers. They can adapt themselves to all kinds of circumstances. They like to travel frequently. They are always of two minds and are incapable of taking quick decisions. They are able to follow more than one occupation at a time. Although they are fickleminded, they possess intellectual qualities. They are curious to know new things. They are good husbands.

4.)Karka Lagna
The natives of this lagna have a heavy body, slender limbs and powerful claws. The upper portion of their body is generally large. In later age they get a prominent abdomen. They walk with a rolling gait. Their stature is generally short. The persons with this Lagna are changeable like the Moon, the lord of this lagna. Like the Moon their life is full of tides and ebbs (ups and down). They are often emotional and over-sensitive and also sympathetic. They are timid at one time and courageous at other time. In public life, they are generally successful and are also able to achieve honours and wealth. They are fond of home and family comforts. The married life of persons of this lagna is generally unhappy.

5.)Simha Lagna
The native of Leo lagna has well developed bones and a broad forehead. He is of moderate stature, well built and muscular. His appearance is dignified, imposing and commanding. Persons born with this lagna are generally noble, large hearted, magnanimous and generous. They are helpful to mankind. They have great faith in friends and relatives. They become head of the organization with which they are connected. If they are in government or any commercial organization, they attain high positions there. They do not talk much. They are fond of authority and are brilliant and ambitious. They are firm in their thinking and attitudes. When they are angry they roar like lions. They are spendthrifts. They have capacity to face adverse circumstances. They want to maitain their authority in their household. Very often their married life is not happy. They enjoy sound health if there are no bad influences on the lagna or the Sun, the lord of this lagna.

6.)Kanya Lagna
Natives of this lagna are tall with a slender body. Their eyebrows are covered with hair growth. Their voice is very often thin and sometimes even shrill. They walk quickly and they seldom have a pot belly. As they are very active they often appear younger than their actual age. The persons with this lagna are fond of quick changes. However, they are very capable of handling even unfavourable situations. They are thorough, and methodical, practical and discriminative but they lack power. They will have desire to save money. They have sound commercial instinct and they want to grow rich as
quickly as possible. Their married life is not unhappy.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Effects of Rahu and Ketu

Effects of Rahu and Ketu on our life:
Rahu (North Node of Moon): Rahu has the nature of a serpent. It poisons you to the illusions of this world. It is our desires that keep us incarnating here. Rahu gives prize, but with a price. When our most intense desires are granted under Rahu we discover that too much of a good thing ends up causing our most intense suffering. 

My Jyotish Kendra
We may, for example, gain fame and fortune, only to realize we have no freedom or place to go without being mauled by fans. Family and friends disown us out of jealousy. The fame and fortune we desired only brought us separation and sorrow. Ultimately the disillusionment leads to the enlightenment of Ketu, who detaches and renounces the world for spiritual enlightenment. The nodes are the most powerful of all the planets, for they cause the eclipses of the luminaries, the Sun and Moon. The nodes block out the light or consciousness. 

Rahu gives materialistic things which will never bring lasting happiness. This is the illusion of Rahu. When these things start to fall away we become obsessed with trying to hold on to them. Rahu deals with fear, obsessive and compulsive behavior. It is about addictions, poisons, alcohol, and drugs. Any planet with Rahu will be magnified greatly in the chart as Rahu will take on the quality of the planet it is next to (in the same sign). This can be good or bad depending on the planet. Rahu with Venus or Jupiter can bring wealth, but Rahu with Saturn can cause suffering to the house they are in.
Prize and Price of Rahu : Fame, status, prestige, power, worldly success, fulfillment of worldly desires, outer success with inner turmoil, extremes, obsessive behavior, addictions, psychic disturbances, collective trends, foreigners and foreign lands, epidemics, disease, poisons that destroy and heal, medicine, drugs and alcohol. 

Rahu and Ketu take on the quality of the planets that are associated with them or in aspect (especially conjunct). If they are not associated or aspected by other planets they will give the results of the planet that rules the sign they are in (dispositor).

The sign and nakshatra dispositor is considered the karmic control planet. Rahu and Ketu cast the trine aspect 5 and 9 signs away from their position. Rahu acts like Saturn, and Ketu acts like Mars. They can be described, in my opinion, like the outer planets. Rahu is similar to Pluto or a mixture of Uranus, Saturn, Pluto, and Ketu is similar to Neptune or a mixture of Neptune, Mars, and Uranus. Rahu and Ketu will give raja yoga whenever they are either in a trikona or kendra house and they are conjunct a planet that rules a trikona or kendra.When the lunar nodes are combined with another planet they take on the quality of that planet, like mirrors magnifying the energy of that planet. Each combination will produce very different results. As we go through all the planets in conjunction with Rahu the qualities of each planet will be magnified with these conjunctions. Conjunctions will always occur in the sign Rahu and Ketu are in during the 18 month period Rahu and Ketu are in a sign, once with Rahu and then with Ketu.
Below is a list of the conjunction frequency:
  • The Sun will conjunct Rahu and Ketu once a year (during an eclipse), 6 months apart.
  • The Moon will conjunct Rahu and Ketu once a month.
  • Mercury and Venus will conjunct Rahu and Ketu once a year.
  • Mars will conjunct Rahu and Ketu once every 2 years.
  • Jupiter will conjunct Rahu and Ketu once every 7 years, and the conjunction will occur 8 signs away from the previous conjunction.
  • Saturn will conjunct Rahu and Ketu once every 11 years, and the conjunction will occur 6 signs from the previous conjunction.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rahu and Ketu

Rahu and Ketu  :- Today we will going to know about Rahu and Ketu in our horoscope.

My Jyotish Kendra
In Vedic astrology the lunar nodes, known as Rahu and Ketu, have special powers in a chart. Often referred to as our karmic destiny, they indicate our greatest gifts and our darkest issues. In prediction they are where the annual eclipses fall, and indicate the areas of our life that involve the most transformation for that year. When the lunar nodes are combined with another planet they take on the quality of that planet. Each combination will produce very different results.

Rahu and Ketu are described as shadowy planets because they are associated with the eclipses of the Sun and the Moon. These shadows developed the powerful myths and meanings bestowed on the nodes, myths of struggles with demons, serpents, and forces of darkness and light. Symbolically they may be seen as our own shadows.

In the Hindu myth a serpent slithered in the line between the Sun and Moon to partake of the nectar of immortality being given to the gods, planets, and luminaries. When the thief was discovered, Lord Vishnu threw a disk, splitting him in half, but he had already swallowed the nectar. This was the creation of the serpent’s or dragon’s head (Rahu), and the serpent’s or dragon’s tail (Ketu). Rahu is the head that is consumed with the thinking mind. The mind separated from the senses creates illusions, and Rahu is the indicator of worldly illusions. Ketu is the quality of knowing without the thinking mind. It is the perception of spiritual insights that lead to enlightenment.

My Jyotish Kendra
The Moon’s orbit around the Earth intersects the ecliptic at two points. These two points are the nodes of the Moon. The north node of the Moon (Rahu) is where the Moon crosses from south to north, called the ascending node. This symbolizes the birth into the material manifestation. The south node (Ketu) is where the Moon crosses from north to south, called the descending node. This symbolizes our leaving the material plane for the spiritual realm. So Rahu takes us into the physical world and Ketu takes us out of it.

All this represents the cycles of birth and death into and out of this world. Rahu and Ketu are the indicators of destiny and fate, symbolizing our entrapment in this physical plane. These shadow planets control us by our desires. Our desires are our karmas. Our destiny is to release the chains this world has cast upon us. It is like the serpent’s bite. The poisonous venom intoxicates us into this world. Rahu takes us under its spell with the illusions of this world, the promise of happiness, leaving us with a sense of wanting: “If I could only have more of the things that give me pleasure”. But of course, this only leads to insatiable desires. We can never have enough. This is the venomous bite of Rahu.
Conversely Ketu strips us of the objects of our desires, revealing that nothing in this world gives us security and permanence. It is essentially the process of enlightenment, when we come to realize that ultimately, it is all an illusion. Nothing of this material world lasts, therefore; it is all an illusion or Maya. Ketu is the bringer of enlightenment through the realization of this truth. Ketu is the release of this world.

Rahu is our entrapment and Ketu is our final liberation from the karmas of the soul. Rahu will give things, but always with a price. Ketu will take away, but gives the gift of seeing or enlightenment. When the lunar nodes are combined with another planet they take on the quality of that planet, like mirrors magnifying the energy of that planet. Each combination will produce very different results. In a birth chart, the extremes caused by Rahu and Ketu will be seen in:
the houses that Rahu and Ketu occupy;
the houses of their (sign)dispositors;
the nature of the planet that conjuncts Rahu and Ketu
and the houses ruled by the planet
that conjuncts Rahu or Ketu;
the nakshatra dispositor of Rahu or Ketu.
All of the houses that are involved with rules 1-4 will be connected to the destiny and fate of the soul.

To get a deeper look at the results a planet will produce, you must look to the nakshatra dispositor of the planets. It is the nakshatras that determine the entire predictive system used in Vedic astrology, the Vimshottari Dasha System. This system is based on the nakshatra that the natal Moon is placed in at birth. This nakshatra determines the entire life sequence of events that occur in a lifetime.[1, 2] The ruling planet of each nakshatra will be referred to in this article as the nakshatra dispositor. What will be exemplified throughout here is that when an individual is in a dasha and bhukti of the key planets referred to with these guidelines, you will see the events of their fate and destiny manifest fully. The dashas bring into fruition through timing of events the promise of the planets. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

Effects of Gemstones

My Jyotish KendraIn Vedic astrology, gemstones are recommended based on your horoscope. It is believed that by wearing these prescribed gemstones you can overcome the obstacles in your chart. The cause of unhappy relationships or lack of success can be astrological. Wearing a certain gemstone may turn your love life and career around so you can have a fulfilling relationship.

Gems affects the subtle energy field, which emanates from every living thing, where our energetic and emotional habits, thought patterns, belief systems, and so on reside. The energy pattern of a gem directly affects one's emotional and mental energies, and over a period of time this promotes long-lasting changes.

But the correct use of Gems is quite necessary. 
Gems are classified in to two types : Hot And Cold
Ruby, Red coral, Diamond and Cat's eye are Hot gems whereas Pearl, Topaz, Blue Sapphire and Gomed are Cold in nature.

We select Gems to increase the efficiency or for removal of the deficiency. These remedial stones act in two ways; one is by its spectrum effects and other is by radioactive effects. When a ring is worn, Gem goes on continuously vibrating its power which is absorbed in the individual aura. The protective aura thus becomes powerful to resist any untoward vibrations coming from external sources.

CAUTION : The Gems should be selected as per the Horoscope needs otherwise there can be reverse results.
Ruby (Manimya)My Jyotish Kendra
Ruby is said to give name, fame, virtue, vigor, warmth and commanding power to its user. It also enhances the status of a person. Normally red in color, it helps to cure peptic ulcer, fever, rheumatism, gout. 

Ladies should avoid the use of Ruby as it can destroy the body luster. Ruby should be used in Gold.

Pearl (Moti)
My Jyotish Kendra
Pearl is used to remove the evil effects of moon and it strengthens the mind and increases the good sleep and cures insomnia.

It also gives good memory, cures uterine disorders, heart trouble and eye diseases, hysteria and pleurisy etc. It also increases sexual strength and makes the conjugal life happy, removes melancholy and increases fortune.

My Jyotish Kendra
Red Coral (Moonga)
It is said that Red Coral instills courage in its user. It also helps in curing blood related diseases. This is normally red in color. 

Coral ensures material happiness, recovery from diseases indicated by Mars such as fever, cough etc.

Emerald (Panna)
My Jyotish Kendra
It increases intelligence and brain power. It improves faculties related to brain such as memory, communication, intuition, the intellect and the ability to learn.

It is advised that newly wed couples should not wear this because it impairs conjugal happiness due to reduction in sexual desires.

My Jyotish KendraTopaz
Topaz is one of the most widely used gems to help achieve better financial status. It is also believed that if there are obstructions in finding a suitable match for a girl, she gets married by wearing Topaz.
This is normally yellow in color. It improves vision, gives life security, protects one from poverty, removes adversity, misfortune and melancholy.

My Jyotish KendraDiamond (Heera)
It is said that the one who wears a diamond has a luxurious life. Diamond is also supposed to enhance the name, fame and artistic quality of a person. 
It also enhances sexual power, cures diabetes, diseases of urine and venereal diseases, skin and uterine diseases.

My Jyotish Kendra
Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj)
Yellow sapphire gemstones are very useful in astrology and vedic properties. It has many healing powers and is very important in star signs.

It is said that this gem increase financial status. It will give wealth, good health, fame, name, honour and success too.

Blue Sapphire (Neelam)

My Jyotish Kendra
Blue Sapphire removes evil effects of Saturn. It is said that blue sapphire has the magical power to elevate its user to a higher status from all sides. However there is a caution. 
Sometimes this stone may react adversely. It is suggested that Blue Sapphire should be tested for one week before final wearing. It could give you everything you could desire such as health, wealth, longevity, happiness. It also restores lost wealth and property. Can improve fertility in a barren women.

Gomed (Gomode)

My Jyotish Kendra
This Gem is for Shadow planet Rahu. The Shadow planet Rahu is supposed to be responsible for all sorts of delays or very late fulfillment of ambitions. Gomed can help in achieving speedy success in less time than expected.
Gomed is normally reddish-chocolate in color. It cures diseases caused by affliction of Rahu and Saturn. It also increase appetite, vitality, confers good health, wealth, happiness and all sound prosperity.

Cat's Eye (Lahasunya)

My Jyotish Kendra
Cat's eye is useful for eradicating evil influences of Ketu and diseases given by Mars. This protects its wearer from hidden enemies, mysterious dangers and diseases.
This is normally milky in color. For businessmen, it is a miraculous result giving stone. Bestows wealth by secret means like horse racing, gambling, stock exchange market and speculations.