Retrograde planets are the planets that appear to move backwards in the sky. All the planets have fixed direction for revolution. Therefore, Moving back and forth is simply out of question. It is only because of the relative motion of the earth that the planets seem to move backwards at certain times.
Out of all planets, Sun and Moon at no time are retrograde. They are always in direct motion. On the other hands, the two imaginary planets or lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu are always in retrograde motion. Pluto, Neptune and Uranus (not considered in Vedic astrology) also go through the retrograde motion along with Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn.
In astrology, a planet in retrograde motion has special significance. The effects that the planets produces when in retrograde motion are far different than the ones they exert while moving directly. In the horoscopes, retrograde planets acquire special power and effects while in retrograde motion at the time of birth. Theses are known as `Vakri planets' in Hindu astrology. Usually the retrograde planets in our horoscope are depicted with R in front of its position in chart.
Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn turn retrograde at regular intervals. They generally move direct, then for a time period they (appear to) slow down and seem stationary for a long time (Stationary retrograde). At this time their powers are at their highest. Then they move retrograde, giving erratic and more prominent effects. After a particular time span, they again seem to slow down and seem to be stationary (stationary direct). Then they once again acquire a direct motion.
Whenever a planet starts in a motion other than the normal course, it yields unusual effects as well. In general, the fields ruled by these planets suffer the major influence. For example, communication hazards will be more during Mercury retrograde. Accidents due to rashness will be enhanced during Mars retrograde and so on….
Hence, each planetary retrogression should be considered as a time to be cautious, and to consider things from a different viewpoint.
Mercury is the planet that rules communication and thinking. Mercury goes in retrograde motion about three times a year for three weeks of time period each. Whenever this phenomenon takes place, all Lines of communication seems to go haywire. Things are misunderstood and information is misapplied. Thinking (in general) leaves the Course of "normal". Although some brilliant projects may be sketched out during this period, chances are that more people suffer from anxiety and nervous breakdown at this time. While the planet is vakri, it is often advised to not to sign any contracts, to look before putting an idea in action, even if it means a verbal commitment. Don`t rely on every information passing through. Think, watch, analyse because the information presented in front of you might be a false one if not totally unnecessary. Its time to process all the learning acquired till now to take decisions.
If Mercury is retrograde in the horoscope itself, it can indicate mental sufferings and anxieties in the case it`s negatively placed. If mercury is well placed, it bestows a brilliant mind. Whatever the case, the result is not `Usual`. All the aspects have to be taken in consideration before deriving any conclusion. But most of all, cashing on the negative or positive influence of the planet is much dependent on a person`s Free will.
Out of all planets, Sun and Moon at no time are retrograde. They are always in direct motion. On the other hands, the two imaginary planets or lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu are always in retrograde motion. Pluto, Neptune and Uranus (not considered in Vedic astrology) also go through the retrograde motion along with Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn.
In astrology, a planet in retrograde motion has special significance. The effects that the planets produces when in retrograde motion are far different than the ones they exert while moving directly. In the horoscopes, retrograde planets acquire special power and effects while in retrograde motion at the time of birth. Theses are known as `Vakri planets' in Hindu astrology. Usually the retrograde planets in our horoscope are depicted with R in front of its position in chart.
Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn turn retrograde at regular intervals. They generally move direct, then for a time period they (appear to) slow down and seem stationary for a long time (Stationary retrograde). At this time their powers are at their highest. Then they move retrograde, giving erratic and more prominent effects. After a particular time span, they again seem to slow down and seem to be stationary (stationary direct). Then they once again acquire a direct motion.
Whenever a planet starts in a motion other than the normal course, it yields unusual effects as well. In general, the fields ruled by these planets suffer the major influence. For example, communication hazards will be more during Mercury retrograde. Accidents due to rashness will be enhanced during Mars retrograde and so on….
Hence, each planetary retrogression should be considered as a time to be cautious, and to consider things from a different viewpoint.
Mercury Retrogression
Mercury is the planet that rules communication and thinking. Mercury goes in retrograde motion about three times a year for three weeks of time period each. Whenever this phenomenon takes place, all Lines of communication seems to go haywire. Things are misunderstood and information is misapplied. Thinking (in general) leaves the Course of "normal". Although some brilliant projects may be sketched out during this period, chances are that more people suffer from anxiety and nervous breakdown at this time. While the planet is vakri, it is often advised to not to sign any contracts, to look before putting an idea in action, even if it means a verbal commitment. Don`t rely on every information passing through. Think, watch, analyse because the information presented in front of you might be a false one if not totally unnecessary. Its time to process all the learning acquired till now to take decisions.
If Mercury is retrograde in the horoscope itself, it can indicate mental sufferings and anxieties in the case it`s negatively placed. If mercury is well placed, it bestows a brilliant mind. Whatever the case, the result is not `Usual`. All the aspects have to be taken in consideration before deriving any conclusion. But most of all, cashing on the negative or positive influence of the planet is much dependent on a person`s Free will.